The Specters

Paul Turner
Nov 18, 2022

Once upon a time, a youngish man in the shadow of his erector father,

As taunt to a drunk elder brother,

Latches on and zips up to father.

In time, youngish man finds a navigator, Roy Cohn, to flirt with minefields,

And jigger big lies from the 1950s.

Many moves later, this son is a White House freelancer, jagging in 3am drawers and over taco shells,

And loaded with cotton rolls and loose tongue on the hustings —

and still bamboozling after the storming of the United States Capitol.

After the lies and liar are exhausted and long gone,

After Specter Number One’s photo has floated from the Oval Office,

Will we still shudder and grimace from Specter Numero Dos?

